Built to perfectly “shadow” the natural movements of a dying baitfish, the Rapala Shadow Rap Deep allows anglers to utilize the erratic attraction of the Shadow Rap in a slightly deeper arena. Designed with flat sides and a larger bill, the Rapala Shadow Rap Deep shimmies and flickers on a horizontal plane with very little forward movement, prolonging the time spent in a fish’s strike zone.
On the inside, the Rapala Shadow Rap Deep is constructed with a fixed weighting system that acts like a minnow’s swim bladder, causing it to sink with a mouthwatering shimmy. As it fades into the darkness, a sharp snap of the rod tip brings the Rapala Shadow Rap Deep back to life with a bursting flutter that causes fish to strike out of sheer impulse.
Armed with a trio of razor-sharp VMC trebles, the Rapala Shadow Rap Deep knocks on death’s door with an expiring presentation that perfectly captures the subtleties of a dying baitfish as it fades into the “shadows.”